Sunday, 1 March 2015

Sa-2 Questions

                                  SA-2 Question Sheets
Class-VII                    Sec-                              Name-                              Rollno-
1.Name the computer Graphics.                                                                              1
2.Write The Name And the Function of the  Following Tools.                             3
3.Fill in the Blanks:                                                                                                          5
I.Double click on the object to get________handles.
II.A______is a special  service provided on the internet.
III._________is discover in_______in . This_______technology is Used.
IV.A__________variable is assigned string values.
V.In Do...LOOP statement, a set of statement is repeated while or ______a  condition is satisfied.

4.Write The output of the following commands .                                                 4

(a)REM Program to print 10 Natural Numbers.
FOR I = 1 TO 10

      I =1
      DO WHILE I<=10
      PRINT I
      I = I+1

5.Write a program in Q-Basic to do each of the following:                                     4
(a).Enter age of 10 different people and print if they are  eligible to vote.
(b)To Display the series 4,8,12,16,.....40.
(c)To Print out the even numbers between 2 and 400.
(d)To print first 20 natural numbers in reverse order

6.Write The Significance of the given function with example.                              5
(a)Sum ()-
(b) Average ()-
(c) Max()
(d) Min()-

7.Write Short Answer of the following..                                                                     4

(a)How do you select an entire row or column in an Excel worksheet?
(b)What is Cell Referencing? Give An example.
(c)What happens if we change a cell entry that affects a formula?
(d)Write a shorter way of computing=A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8

8.Write The Steps to open MS-POWERPOINT                                                        2

9.In MS-Powerpoint Write The function of the following..                                  4
i)Title Bar:
ii)Menu Bar:
iii)Tool Bar:
iv)Status Bar:

10.What is Normal View In MS-Powerpoint.                                                  1
11.What is Outline View in MS-Powerpoint                                                    1
12.By Default, What file  extension is given to a presentation saved in MS-  PowerPoint.                                                                                                           1

13.Write Steps to add Transition effects in a Slide Show .                            5
14.Fill Up                                                                                                                 5
i)To Increase the effectivensess of a presentation,___________are added to the slides.
ii)Slide transition option is available in__________menu;.
iii)________button is clicked to display the slide show .
iv)_________controls how different objects appear on a slide
v)You can record your presentation with the help of________option in MS-Powerpoint.
15.Name the 5 Web browser.                                                                                     2
16.Name the 10 Top Search Engine                                                                           2       
17.What is shareware.                                                                                                  2    
18.What is Freeware                                                                                                     2
19.What is Software Update                                                                                       2
20.Write Five Shareware and freeware Websites                                                   2
21.Define Downloading and Uploading.                                                                   2
22.What is newsgroup.                                                                                                2
23.Write three Newsgroup Website.                                                                        2
24.Write the Advantage of Email.                                                                              5
25.Write the steps how to send email.                                                                     2
26.Distinguish between the following.                                                                      4
(a)Postal mail And Email
(b)Modernated Mailing And Unmodernated mailing list.
27.Expand The Following Terms.                                                                                6

28.Answer the following                                                                                            10
I.What is Microsoft Powerpoint?
II.Name the different views available in MS-PowerPoint.
III.Mention few points you should keep in while planning your presentation.
IV.In how many section is the powerpoint 2003 screen is divided.
V.,Write step to save your presentation in “My Document Folder”

29.Fill in the blanks wuth appropriate words:
(a) A__________________is an intersection of row and column.
(b)By Default, an Excel workbook contains _________worksheets.
(c)$C$15 is an example of____________cello referencing.
(d)A new column is always inserted to the____________of the selected column.
(e)The___________feature of MS-Excel helps the use to enter a predefined series of data.